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Indian General Assistance Program


Through the EPA IGAP, the OVK Environmental Planner is able to  participate in trainings and forums designed to keep those who work in  the field up-to-date on environmental issues, and on area-specific  opportunities.
The Environmental Planner is also able to plan and implement  activities aimed at educating and encouraging community involvement  toward maintaining the good health of our local environment. Most  currently, the OVK IGAP organized the Marine Debris Clean-Up and the  Community Clean-Up events. Both were great successes, thanks to the  participation of the OVK Staff members, the Barry C. Stewart School  Staff and Students, the City of Kasaan, and individual local volunteers. 
In addition to resident activities, the OVK IGAP works with other  Island Tribes and Tribes throughout Southeast Alaska in order to broaden  our reach and to demonstrate solidarity on important environmental  issues.
   The OVK IGAP has formed a partnership with the Craig Tribal  Association (CTA), the Klawock Cooperative Association (KCA), and the  Hydaburg Cooperative Association (HCA) called the Tribal Environmental  Coalition (TEC). The TEC works together with the newly developed POW  Tribal Consortia to help facilitate island wide environmental  /educational events such as, the Annual Deer Celebration, the Earth Day  Fair, and Electronics Recycling coming up May 22nd & 23rd in  Klawock.

The Goal

To assist Tribes in building capacity to administer
Tribal environmental programs consistent with the federal laws the EPA
is charged with implementing, according to their individual needs

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Electronic Recycling






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Marine Biotoxin Report

PSA - Shellfish PSP Advisory

Request for Proposal:
Repair Bay Door

Please participate in the survey on Environmental Concerns 

Test your knowledge with these
Crossword Puzzles 

with Red Wigglers 
a PowerPoint presentation

Environmental Coordinator
Carol Fletcher
(907) 617-3020

Water Quality & Waste Management Specialist
Dorothy Smith

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